
Agro Finance REIT entrusts to independent experts (appraisers) the valuation of the securitized properties before their acquisition as well as at the end of each fiscal year and upon certain change in the index of inflation in the country or the real estate price index.

Appraiser of the real properties of Agro Finance REIT is company Bright Consult OOD with subject of activity consulting, audit, managerial, expert and business-appraising activity.

The appraiser has concluded contracts for representation in most of the big cities in Bulgaria – Sofia, Plovdiv, Varna, Ruse, Razgrad, Yambol, Burgas, Sliven, Pleven, Svishtov, etc.

The experts in appraisal of Bright Consult are certified by the Chamber of Independent Appraisers in Bulgaria in compliance with the Appraiser Independence Law. The representatives of Bright Consult in the country work in consistence with the company standards and the adopted by the appraiser code of ethics.

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